[email protected]
BORN Cleveland, Ohio
2019 Certificate of Fine Arts Photography -Santa Fe Community College, Santa Fe, NM
2019 Certificate of Commercial Photography –Santa Fe Community College
1969 BFA in Sculpture and Ceramics, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio
1973 MFA post-graduate study, Tyler School of Art, Philadelphia, Pa.
1961-65 Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio
2021 Site Scholars 2021, Site Santa Fe, Santa Fe, New Mexico
2009 El Palacio, Museum of Fine Art, Santa Fe – Photography 2nd place Cash Award
1978 Artist Fellowship, The Artist's Foundation, Boston, MA
1977 Artist-in-Residence, ARTPARK, Lewiston, New York
1974-75 Artist-in-Residence, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
EXHIBITIONS (Selected Solo, Two-person shows)
2018 Two-person show, Silent Light: Joan Zalenski & Jim Malone, Art 7 Gallery, Fort Worth, TX
2004 Two-person show, Jim Malone and Joan Zalenski Farewell Tour #1, Fort Worth Community Art Center, Ft. Worth, TX
2001 Solo exhibition, By the Light of the West, Mabee-Gerrer Museum of Art, Shawnee, OK
2001 Solo Exhibition, Picturing Haunts/Haunting Pictures, Four Walls Gallery, Fort Worth, TX
1998 Solo Exhibition, Local Color, photographic prints, The Gainsco Building, Fort Worth, TX
1983 Solo Exhibition, Prototype for a Palm Springs Rest Area, Pro Arts Gallery, Temporary Exhibitions, Oakland, CA
1976 Solo Exhibition, Leg Pieces (and other extremities), Student Union Gallery, University of Massachusetts, mherst, MA
1975 Two-person show, A Tribute to Our National Pastimes, (with painter Carolyn Ray) Herter Gallery, University Massachusetts,
Amherst, MA
1971 Solo Exhibition, A Little Fine Art by Joan Zalenski, University of Maine, Augusta, ME
EXHIBITIONS (Selected Group) *catalog
2023 Members Show, Foto Forum Photography Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
2023 Visual Arts Gallery, Santa Fe Community College, Santa Fe, NM
2022 Spring Exhibition, Visual Arts Gallery, Santa Fe Community College, Santa Fe, NM
2021 Site Scholars 2021, Site Santa Fe, Santa Fe, NM
2019 Compound Visions, Axle Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM
2019 Love Salvaged~Curios, Games, Juju & Objets d'Art, Santa Fe Community College, Studio Show, Santa Fe, NM
2017 Debtfair/ Occupy Museums, Whitney Biennial, Whitney Museum of Art, NYC
2016* Accidental Photography, Axle Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM
2016 Miniatures, Millicent Rogers Museum, Taos, NM
2015 SHIM: Filling Gaps, Bushwick, Brooklyn, NY
2015 2nd Grand Opening Exhibition, Tularosa Basin Photographers Society, Tularosa Basin Gallery of Photography, Carrizozo, NM
2015 Axle Indoors, Invitational, Peters Projects, Santa Fe, NM
2014 Opening - Founding Members,Tularosa Basin Photographic Society, Tularosa Basin Gallery of Photography, Carrizozo, NM
2013* Autophotography, Self Portraits by NM Photographers, Axle Contemporary, Santa Fe
2013 Women of New Mexico Photography Exhibit, InSight, Albuquerque, NM
2012 Women of New Mexico Photography Exhibit, InSight, Albuquerque, NM
2010* ArtPark 1974-1984, Center for the Arts, University of Buffalo Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY
2009 18th Annual Photography Competition, Hubbard Museum, Ruidoso, NM, Honorable Mention
2008 Spring Exhibition, Visual Arts Gallery, Santa Fe Community College, Santa Fe, NM, Juried 1st Place, Photography
2007 Center for Fine Art Photography Members Intl Exhibition, Bridge Gallery, Denver International Airport Exhibition, Denver, CO
2006 Members International Exhibit, Center for Fine Art Photography, Ft. Collins, CO
2006 Despoblado Update, Focus Galleries, Ft. Worth Community Art Center, Fort Worth, TX
2003 Despoblado- the uninhabited land, Four Walls Gallery, Fort Worth, TX
2002 Farewell Fiesta Benefit Auction-Invitational Exhibit and purchase, Modern Art Museum, Fort Worth, TX
2001 Four Walls Gallery, Fort Worth, TX – Group exhibition
2000 Black & Blue, McKinney Avenue Contemporary, Dallas, TX
2000 Out West: Redefining the Myth, Mabee-Gerrer Museum of Art, Shawnee, OK
1999 Off the Page, McKinney Avenue Contemporary, Dallas, TX
1999 500X Gallery, Dallas, TX, Invitational Exhibition
1999 Invitational Photography Exhibit, Handley-Hicks Gallery, Ft. Worth, TX
1999 Expo ‘99 Juried exhibition, 500X Gallery, Dallas, TX
1997 Charter Artists Exhibit, The Contemporary Art Center, Fort Worth, TX
1997 A Space Time: The Fourth Dimension, McKinney Avenue Contemporary, Dallas, TX
1997 Alternative Photographs, Arts Council of Tarrant County, Fort Worth, TX
1997 12 Texas Women, The Contemporary Art Center, Fort Worth, TX
1993-99 Strings Gallery, Fort Worth, TX
1990 Chairs: Fun vs. Function Viewpoint Gallery North, San Mateo, CA
1983* 2nd Annual Wild West Show, Invitational, Alberta College of Art, Calgary, Alberta,
1983 Invitational Benefit Show, Pro Arts Gallery, Oakland, CA
1981 Seven of Us, Heller Gallery, University of CA, Berkeley, CA
1980* Five Year Retrospective Show of Fellowship Recipients, Federal Reserve Bank, Boston, MA
1980 Heartworks, 1st Annual Invitational, Alameda County Arts Center, Oakland, CA
1979* Function/Non-Function, Holtzman Art Gallery, Towson State Univ., Baltimore, MD
1979 BFM Gallery, New York, NY
1978* The Great American Foot Show, Invitational, Museum of Contemporary Crafts, NY, NY
1978 Documentation Show, ArtPark '77, Artist's Space, New York, NY
1978 Documentation ArtPark, '77, Hallwalls Gallery, Buffalo, NY
1976 New Talent, Monique Knowlton Gallery, New York, NY
1976 Atmospheres, Elizabeth Fortner Gallery, Santa Barbara, CA
1976-77-78 Fall Invitational, Leverett Artists & Craftsmen, Leverett, MA
1975 Lakefront Festival of Arts, Milwaukee, WI – juried exhibition
1973* Marietta College Crafts Regional Exhibition, Marietta, OH – juried exhibition
1970* 2nd Appalachian Corridors, Charleston, W. VA - Cash Award
1969 Ohio University Clay Show, Athens, OH - 2nd Place Award
1969* Great Lakes Ceramics Exhibit, Platteville, WI, - Honorable Mention
1968* The May Show, Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH - Purchase
2013 ArtPark, Lewiston, NY, Installation pavement drawing, cur-vi-rec-ti-lin-e-ar\ adj.-a game board for geometrical interpretation 2004-2016 Arts Council of Fort Worth, 1300 Gendy St. Fort Worth, TX, Temporary sculpture installation on loan, A Herd of Dancing Cowgirls
1984 City of Palo Alto, Greer Park, Palo Alto, CA, Permanent Outdoor installation, From Sea To Shining Sea
1982 Oakland Museum Estuary Channel Project - Ephemeral & Site Works, Oakland, CA Installation for the 12th International Sculpture Conference, Herd Crossing
1982* Project Sculpture, Arrowhead Marsh Park, Oakland, CA - Outdoor sculpture installation, From Sea to Shining Sea
1981 Heller Gallery, University of CA, Berkeley, CA - Indoor installation, The Last Roundup II
1981 Triton Museum of Art, Santa Clara, CA - Outdoor Installation, Tales From a Bucolic Mirage
1980 University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, Visiting Artist, Outdoor Installation, Herd Lot
1977* ArtPark, Lewiston, NY - Artist-in-Residence - Three outdoor sculpture installations
2006-08 City of Santa Fe, Art in Public Places, Santa Fe Convention Center- Photographic site-specific installation, What Lies Beneath 2007 City of Santa Fe, Art in Public Places – Sheridan Street Design Team
2005-08 Sacramento Regional Transit District, Sacramento, CA - Modification and Restoration Design for Watt-Manlove Light Rail Station, The New Game of Wishful Thinking
2004 The Medallions Project, The Springs Project: Art in Public Places, Austin TX: selected as part of a design team of 3 for site-
specific installations
2003 Cultural Arts Council of Houston and Harris Cty, Houston, TX - Design for site-specific artwork for Root Square Memorial Park, downtown Houston
2001-02 Fort Worth Transportation Authority, Fort Worth, TX – Site specific work for the Intermodal Transportation Center, The
Game of Artful Pondering
1987 Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission, Sacramento, CA - Light Rail Project, Watt-Manlove Station, The Game of
Wishful Thinking
Bardacke/Allison, LLC, Sante Fe, NM
Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway, Fort Worth, TX, Corporate art collection
City of Palo Alto, Greer Park, Palo Alto, CA - Art in Public Places -Purchase
Collection of Bernice Steinbaum, and Bernice Steinbaum Gallery, NY, NY
Fort Worth Transit Authority, Intermodal Transportation Center
Museum of Fine Arts, Springfield, MA
New Mexico Public Regulation Commission, Art in Public Places Purchase, New Mexico Arts Department of Cultural Affairs
Palace of the Governors, Photography Collection, Santa Fe, NM
Santa Fe Community Convention Center, Public Art Collection, Santa Fe, NM
Sacramento Light Rail Transit System, Sacramento, CA
Private collections, Oakland, CA; San Francisco, CA; Santa Fe, NM; Norman, OK; Shawnee, OK; Dallas, TX; Fort Worth,TX:
NewYork, NY: Cleveland, OH: Boston, MA: London, Ontario,Canada
2018 Rio Grande Sun, Arts Guide Section-High Road Art Tour, September
2015 THE Magazine, Critical Reflections, April p. 51
2013 Autophotography, Self Portraits by NM Photographers, Axle Contemporary
2011 THE Magazine, May, p.52
2010 THE Magazine, November, pp.21, 61
2010 ArtPark:1974-1984, Firmin, Sandra Q., Princeton Arch. Press, hc.catalog
2009 El Palacio Magazine, Museum of New Mexico, Spring, Vol. 114/No.
2009 Journal Santa Fe, Feb.6, 2009
2007 Artists Showcase, Camera Arts Magazine, January-February ‘07
2006 Santa Fe New Mexican, Sept. 15, ’06, “Art in the Avenue” – front page
2006 Fort Worth Star Telegram, Jan. 15, 2006, 5D
2004-10 WEAD – Women Environmental Artists Directory, publication and online
2003 Fort Worth Star Telegram, April 5, March 21
2002 Fort Worth Weekly online - Best of the West-O-Plex 2002
2002 Dallas Morning News, April 7, 2002, Metropolitan
2001 Oklahoma Escort, Jan.7, Shawnee Sun, Jan.11, 18, Daily Oklahoman, Jan. 19
1983 Focus Magazine, San Francisco, CA - March
1983 Montclarion, Oakland, CA - January 18
1982 San Francisco Chronicle, June, "Project Sculpture"
1982 Oakland Tribune, Scene Arts, October 10, "Project Sculpture"
1982. Another Room Magazine, September, "Conceptual Art"
1979. Daily Hampshire Gazette, February 14, Arts and Entertainment
1978. Springfield Union, June 13, "Art With a Smile"
1976. Craft Horizons, August, "New York Clay”
1976 Arts Magazine, September, “New Talent”
1978 PBS TV WGBY, Channel 57, Springfield, MA, Studio Interview
2021 In Situ, 3rd edition, April 19, 2021; e-publication by Shim Art Network, NYC
2009 Santa Fe New Mexico Official Website, Art in Public Places, Featured Project
2006 (ongoing) Art on Track, Station Art Along the Light Rail, Regional Transit & Sacto Arts Commission, Sacramento, CA
2015. Photographer, Shop Assoc, Web - Millicent Rogers Museum, Taos, NM
2012-2015 Director, OffCenter Contemporary Fine Art & Photography Gallery, Truchas, NM
2011 Instructor, Photography, Fresh Eyes Photography Project, Albuquerque, NM
2010 NM Arts & Crafts Fair, Albuquerque, NM
2004-05 Director/Curator, Brett Weston Archive, Oklahoma City, OK
2003-04 Fort Worth Community Art Center Exhibition Advisory Panel - 2-year appt.
1993-2003 Collections Curator, Sid Richardson Collection of Western Art, Fort Worth, TX
1997-98-02-03 Juror, Main Street Arts Festival, Fort Worth, TX
1997-2004 Registrars Committee, Mountain Plains Museum Assn.
2002-07 Member, Texas Photographic Society
1997-2003 Member, The McKinney Ave. Contemporary, Dallas, TX
1997 Curator, Alternative Photography Show, Arts Council of Fort Worth,
1996-97-98-99 Board of Directors, National Cutting Horse Heritage Museum, Fort Worth, TX
1996-97 Co-Chair Exhibitions Committee, The Contemporary Art Center of Fort Worth
1980 Visiting Artist-Lecturer, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
1978 Visiting Artist-Lecturer, Community Arts Program, Deerfield Academy, South Deerfield, MA
SHIM Art Network, New York, New York
Art Helix, (Bushwick), Brooklyn, NY
OffCenter Contemporary Fine Art and Photography Gallery
2000-04 Edmund Craig Gallery, Fort Worth, TX